In Fine Fettle

Wellbeing Challenge Course

    1. Video: Keep it fun and Keep Learning!

    2. Keep Learning Guided Task Presentation

    3. Printable Notes: Keep Learning Guided Task

    4. Video: Why Keep Learning? And more personal challenges

    5. Quiz: What have you learned about Keep Learning?

    6. Check how you are doing: Keep Learning

    1. Video: Connect

    2. Connect Guided Task Presentation

    3. Printable Notes: Connect Guided Task

    4. Video: Why is it important to Connect? And more ideas personal challenges

    5. Quiz: The importance of Connect

    6. Check how you are doing: Connect

    1. Video: Why Be Active?

    2. Be Active Guided Task Presentation

    3. Printable Notes: Be Active Guided Task

    4. Video: Be Active - why is it important and personal challenges

    5. Personal challenges and record sheet: Be Active

    6. Quiz: Being active

    7. Check how you are doing: Be Active

    1. Video: Give - the final one of the 5 Ways

    2. Give Guided Task Presentation

    3. Printable Notes: Give Guided Task

    4. Video: Who benefits from Give? And your last set of Personal Challenges

    5. Quiz: The gift of giving

    6. Check how you are doing: Give

About this course

  • £30.00
  • 1 hour of video content

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